Introduction to Gender Lens Investing

Adoption of a gender lens in the investment strategies of private investors is increasingly showing up in Asia, although the take off has been slow compared to other parts of the world.

Reports show that there is an increased demand from limited partners to invest in firms equipped with environmental, social and governance goals, and greater opportunities are also there for investors aiming to solve gender gaps.

While the majority of investors might be familiar with a broad definition of Gender Lens Investing (GLI), the benefits of taking a gender lens strategy approach are gaining prominence, making it more important than ever to be well versed in the GLI thesis and keep up with recent developments. 

Through the introductory session on Gender Lens Investing, private investors and businesses got the opportunity to engage in a wide-ranging discussion on the basic concept of GLI.

The event included key presentations from each of the MPE&VCA GLI sub-committee members who made significant effort to present in a short, entertaining fashion.

Learn more about Gender Lens Investing

Watch the lecture given by Maud Savary-Mornet, Senior Advisor to the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) on the subject of “How Myanmar-focused investment firms could expand their impact”

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