Five finalists chosen as of JICA’s ACCESS 2021 looks to support Myanmar’s start-up ecosystem

Three months after the launch of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)’s “ACCESS 2021” programme to support Myanmar start-ups, five companies emerged as finalists, each entitled to receive up to USD100,000 of equity and debt-free funding over a 12-month period.

Through the programme, JICA intends to help start-ups in Myanmar improve the quality of products and services they offer, which ultimately would help improve the livelihood of the Myanmar people.

These five companies and JICA will undertake a co-creating approach to develop the start-up ecosystem in Myanmar.

After two years since crises erupted in Myanmar, businesses continue to struggle to survive the most challenging business environment one could ever face. Meanwhile, some have adapted and weathered the storm while tapping new opportunities to help them grow.

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